Automobiles are a modern invention that is used for passenger transportation. These vehicles are powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by gasoline, a liquid petroleum product. Having a car allows people to travel at their own leisure, without having to rely on public transportation. The convenience and freedom of owning a car has brought many benefits to human society. However, automobiles have also brought with them some harmful effects. Using fossil fuels like gasohol and diesel creates air pollution that negatively affects humans and animals. The chemicals from the exhaust and discarded car parts can harm the environment as well, especially when they are dumped into waterways. The toxins can cause many different health problems, including cancer and respiratory issues. The contaminated air can also have other detrimental effects on the ecosystem of the earth, such as reducing oxygen levels and increasing temperature.

The automobile was first invented by Karl Benz in 1885. He was a German engineer. His design was much more practical than previous designs. These earlier cars were heavy and moved very slowly. Other engineers and businessmen soon followed with their own designs. One such inventor was Henry Ford, a businessman. He designed the assembly line for his cars, allowing him to produce them more quickly and at a lower cost. This allowed more people to afford to own cars.

As time went by, the automobile continued to grow in popularity and change human society. It gave people more personal freedom, allowing them to visit friends and relatives in faraway places. In addition, they could travel for work and school. The automobile also led to new industries for manufacturing and services. People needed oil and other supplies to run their cars, so a variety of businesses developed to provide those goods. Industries for the manufacture of tires, rubber, and plastics grew to meet demand. Services like gas stations and convenience stores sprang up as well.

In the early 20th century, more and more families owned automobiles. This was because the middle class was growing in America and more people could afford to buy them. This was a big change from when most families only had bicycles.

Many Americans began to live in suburbs, away from the city center. This trend was facilitated by the automobile, which allowed families to drive their cars to the nearest suburban area and get to work or school. These families would then spend the rest of their time at home with family members.

The automobile is a complicated machine, made up of many individual subsystems with specific design functions. It is a complex technical system that has evolved over the years from breakthroughs in existing technology and from new technologies such as electronic computers and high-strength plastics. It is a key component of the global economy and has greatly changed human lives over the past century. It is also changing in the future with hybrid, electrical, and autonomous cars as the world moves away from traditional internal combustion engines.
